
From a Shia Who’s a Sunni

Shaikh Ali Abu Talib

It is a Muslim’s duty to be curious, study, analyze, and then find the Path that is the Most Balanced, before the inevitable day dawns, we’re judged and are sentenced…The Path exemplified by Prophet Muhammad, the Mercy To the Universe.


Shaikh Ali Abu Talib









Salam To All Those Who To The Will Of Allah Faithfully Comply.

Those Who Love The Truth, Hate The Lie,

And Bow With Those Who Bow To Neither, Sea, Earth, Or Sky.

Who Will Be Raised With God’s Messenger… Never To Die.


My Sisters or Brothers (And You Truth Hiding Others):


Despite what the Foolish Ones Say, We Shia are your Religious Kin.

We are your brothers and sisters, and we are not some evil twin

Bent on destroying the fabric of God’s Great Deyn.

But you should know that some folks are stupid, or just plain mean.

They have to accentuate the differences in order to feel superior.

They claim the ideal but their motives are ulterior,

preferring what inferior,

decorating then exterior,

neglecting to introspect

a shallow dark interior.


Their ranting is an ego trip

That causes folks to lose focus, and skip

over that log-sized chip

that their narrow weak shoulders are sullenly toting around.


They’re passionate, and violent because their logic’s unsound.

Their scholarship is prejudiced, and they’re too tightly wound.

Yet some of you follow them without scrutiny. Are you blind?


It is a Muslim’s duty to be curious, study, analyze, and then find

The Path that is the Most Balanced

before the inevitable day dawns, we’re judged and are sentenced…

The Path exemplified by Prophet Muhammad, the Mercy To the Universe.

But you hear these people… voice toned to terse…

cursing your Brothers and Sisters for having a different view of history.

It should be no mystery

that these same people, who call us Kufr, walk hand in hand

With the enemies of God, Jabreel and every Truth loving woman and man.


We Shia are your brothers and sisters…

and even though the forces of division blisters

our reputation, with exaggeration, misinterpretation,

and bald faced, and neatly cropped, bearded lies,

will you set a prejudiced limitation on your sense of

justice and reason, and allow yourself to despise

us without even a fair hearing of our side of the story?

Does that sound like anything Islamically wise?


Will you just keep on keepin on thinking every thing’s cool

and “honky-dory” while they’re murdering us;

spurred on by shaky shaykhs whom you gullibly trust?


What is our capital crime? What crime have we committed?

We Believe in Allah and To Him we’re submitted.

We Believe that Muhammad, by Allah, was sent

with a Way and a Book that guides souls to bear witness and repent.


We pray the five prayers a day;

standing and bowing in the Prophet’s own way.

We believe in the Hajj, in alms, heaven and hell;

in Angels and Demons that rose high and then fell.


We believe in the day when the trumpet will sound,

and when the folks in the graves will rise from the ground,

And those in the garden will ask those who fell,

“What brought you to burn in this inferno called hell.”


They will say, “We were not of those who rose for the Prayer.

We fed not the poor. We were proud and unfair.

We waded in vain disputes with those who waded in vain disputes,

Like God was not there.

And we denied Judgment Day. So we didn’t prepare

Until THE INEVITABLE came. Then we were aware.

The Intercession of No Intercessor will help them then.

We believe in all this. So what is our sin?


We do not believe that Quran’s incomplete.

This is certainly not some taqiyyah deceit

as most of the misinformed lie-fed folks say.

We believe in Quran. In its laws we obey.

Yes, we pray on a rock or a small piece of clay.

Is not the dust on the beard of a Mumin a sign

that his face and his hands on the Last Day will shine?

But success turned many to lovers of gold.

There’s no clay dust, just carpets

but we’re the one’s that they still scold.


We don’t worship Ali. Nor Hasan, or Husayn.

But it still breaks our hearts and fills them with pain

that our brothers and sisters are so unaware;

too thick to think, and too scared to care.


Yes we cry and we mourn.

But you ignore us and scorn.


You won’t wonder or ask what caused all this grief?

You live all of your lives with the blind false belief

that since Muslims once ruled the world, those rulers weren’t bad.

Not even 400 years of slavery, colonialism and iron clad

Domination by Kufr, has made you as sad,

And only we Shia can make you that mad.


We have views that are different,

And quite hard to see if you scoff at the facts of a clear history.

It’s not as if we believe in idolatry or The Trinity mystery.

We simply don’t see any evidence that Almighty Divinity

created anyone above The Law.

Prophet allegedly swore that he would even punish his precious Fatimah

If she were found guilty of a criminal act.

But your most militant have a tendency to violently react

when we challenge your notion that the historical claimants to the successorship of Prophet had some kind of natural right.

Right’s not always with strong men of might.

The good are not always the victors,

and the vanquished are not always the goat.

God didn’t always give every Noah a sea worthy boat.

How many of The Prophets that God sent were slain?

Were the mighty who killed them right or criminally insane?


So because we believe that it’s certainly no mystery

why Prophet Muhammad’s family is dismissed in the history.

Why can’t we discuss the unintended consequences of choosing other

than the one Muhammad chose, Imam Ali, Prophet’s Spiritual brother

to succeed God’s Final Messenger and Prophet, instead of Aisha’s old dad.

When we expose the truth, why do you jail us, and kill us and go generally mad?


Wa Allah, if I lived in those times, though I wouldn’t have been glad,

though I’d still keep my opinion that the decision was bad,

I’d have been loyal to Abu Bakr, and at that time most of us were.

We didn’t raise up a ruckus or kick up a stir.


I’d follow Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman too.

I’d have stayed out of that mess, and away from that goo.

Uthman was slain by murderous men who seemed driven insane.

And the crime that they did was a sin, clear and plain.


But what of those who rose to take the law in their hand;

Who raised ranks of young soldiers to rebel and then stand

Against Ali, the first populist leader of The Nation?

Is this not a crime; a gross deviation?


But this part of the story was, and still is swept under the rug.

Covered like Kufr, all nice, neat and snug.

Who will dare read the story from our point of view?

Or will you laugh and applaud on mechanical cue

like you’ve been doing?


I, for one, do not see

how anybody knowing the history

would not wonder about the mystery

of the alleged legitimacy

of making war on the governmental agency of Imam Ali

whom you believe to be the last one that was “Divinely Guided.”

How can we be murderously divided

over such a ridiculously clear point of history?

Why is it such a baffling mystery?


But that’s the real issue, isn’t it?

You don’t know the history.

And the ruling class and their bullies are scared that you might link

then with now, and then somehow, deeply think and then get in sync.


And if enough people got in sync,

It might cause a stink.

So they made the issue illegal to study, and you’re too chicken to think,

that your historical shaykh may be un-cool, and a devil rat-fink…

just because he uses a title like Ameer, you sympathize with butchers like Muawiyah and Yazeed,

not wanting to concede

that those who made Prophet’s family so copiously bleed

were the fruit of a tree husbanded from a most wicked seed.


Open your eyes, wake up and think.

Thinking won’t make you a traitorous fink.

Your parents and teachers could have been wrong.

But if your ego’s so big, that you think bigotry’s strong,

You may think a sound, truthful arguments a hypnotist’s trick.

You won’t even trust reason if your pride is that thick.

You should open your mind, and seek and then find,

If our view is wrong research will make it come clear in your mind.


But if our view is right, that will also come clear.

And you’ll have to contradict those you revere.


I know you love Aisha,

A Mother of the Faithful.

We love Ali,

The Commander of the Faithful.

We respect every companion, but we’re trained not to ignore

A wrong when it’s done even by one we adore.


Sometimes we’re right. Sometimes we’re wrong.

Some talk polite. Some speak too strong.

But our views are based on study and reason.

Why then is speaking strongly about treason

committed a thousand years ago a sane reason

to condemn someone to death…

murdering them at weddings and funerals…

killing innocent celebrants and those already bereft.


We’re ostracized and condemned

to excommunication and death

for having a logical historical perspective

that doesn’t agree with an obviously illogical point of view.

And that’s all it is; just a historical view.

One school has a view. The other has one too.


A view of the past, impacting on today.

Folks long dead and buried yet you’re unwilling to display

the family linen fearing those blood spots did not come clean

in the so called “caliphate” government’s brain washing machine.


They’ve got you scared you’ll be enchanted and not recognize a lie from the truth.

After all, you’re just a baby in religion,

an impressionable youth.


You can’t tell wrong from right, or foul from fair.

So you better stay away from us. Don’t you even dare

Read one of our books or hear our Shaykhs preach.

Go to high school with Kafirs but don’t let those Shii brothers teach

you anything from their school of thought.

So most of you wouldn’t be caught

dead with one of us for a friend.

To listen, then reason is a big anti-shi-ite sin.


Listen. We follow the Sunnah.

We have good folks and bad.

We have smart folks and dumb folks

Who can’t even add.

The school where we learned is different from yours.

Is the difference enough to wage fratricidal wars

That keep us slapping each other like Curly, Larry and Moe?

Is this the Islam that we want to show

The people of The West

Which is neither Eastern or Western but the best of the best?


Open your mind, and resign yourself to the fact that we’re related.

The Prophet of God will be more than elated.


Allah is One. His Deyn is One. The Believers Are One. Unity is One.

Neither East nor West, Islam’s the Best.




(Love, Unity, Victory)





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