From Cemetery to a Holy Sanctuary
A piece of land not like any other, a cemetery carrying saints none like any other
Situated in the holy city of Madina signifying a piece of Paradise
Surprising it is not that this land is called Jannatul Baqee
Today we gather on the 8th of Shawwal to make this sanctuary free
Free from the hands of the Saudi extremists who demolished the holy graves in the year 1925
We stand here to defy the forces that’s determined to kill their remembrance rather set them alive
Graves demolished, emblems abolished
Burial sites crushed, the remnants of the Prophet’s family flushed
Relevant Islamic history is now a mystery
The purified progeny has suffered so much injury!
Our Holy Imams in that space they now lay
Their gravesites without proper display
They have suffered every type of injustice from birth to death even till today
We cry and pray for the rebuilding of Jannatul Baqee
Yes, Paradise it is for it carries the remnants of 4 infallible Leaders
Al Mujtaba, Wal Sajjad, Al Baqir, Was-Sadiq
Zahra (as) all alone her resting abode remains unknown
Sadly the Baqee cemetery has become a restricted zone
Limited visitation causing frustration
We present our complaint in every occasion
Prayers regulated, worshippers segregated
Women and sisters not allowed and their privacy invaded
Momineen pushed and hushed, indeed they have broken the Prophet’s trust
You can’t do this you can’t do that, the situation is full of disgust
Enveloped with sadness Oh Imam Zaman help us in this madness
“Times up let’s shut the gates!” The believers in lines still wait with patience.
Bid’ah…Bid’ah…innovation innovation…they repeatedly say
Shirk…Shirk…go away….go away….we say to them…
To love and pay respects to your holy guides is Not an innovation
Bid’ah is to belittle the Prophet’s family and bring down their station
Shirk is not to kiss or embrace a grave nor it is to build a shrine
Shirk is to idolize others and put aside the Imams who represent the Straight Line
If you claim that the Quran forbids the building over graves
I present to you the example of the People of the Cave
If you tell me embracing the remains of a human being is Shirk of Allah
I tell you in the Holy book it clearly says that one must respect the Sha’er of Allah
The ayah says, For Whoever respects the signs of Allah, it surely is from devotion of the hearts
But your hearts have turned into stone hence you desire to break His message apart
If you kiss the Black Stone and embrace the footsteps of Nabi Ibraheem around the Ka’ba
Then don’t be surprised that the graves of Prophets and noble ones are honored by Allah
If the shirt of Yusuf was able to cure the eyes of his father Yaqoob
Then why is it so strange that the dust beneath Husain’s grave does miracles even for you!
If you tell me ask Allah directly no need to seek a middle man
I tell you Muhammad prayed beHaqq Ali and Abbas prayed beHaqq al Husain
If you think by attacking the Askareyayn shrine the Zuwaar would be no more
I say you are so wrong today pilgrims flock in every season to knock on their Door
If you try to put out the light of AhlulBayt with all your might
Allah says try as you can you will never put out their divine light
Today we call to preserve the burial place of great personalities without whom the history of Islam is incomplete
In hot, cold, and rain we stand and will not give up till we get swollen feet
To the Wahhabi extremist we send this message today and tell you without regret
Stop the aggression on the Prophet’s family and them you must respect
Stop violence and discrimination against the lovers of AhlulBayt
Enough sponsoring terrorists and killing innocent Muslims with such hate
Stop buying weapons of destruction to use in Syria and Yemen, and let’s not forget Bahrain
With every bullet and every bomb, your ignorant actions increase our suffering and pain
Enough with your puppet behavior and blind alliance with the Zionist regime
We understand very well who controls you and see through your filthy scheme
The Zionist God you worship is not the God we worship
With money you sell your values and bend to your corrupted leadership
Yet nothing can make us give up or fear from achieving our noble goal
The Prophet’s family is indeed the essence of our soul
In patience we seek and await the reappearance of our Awaited Imam
He will bring justice to this world, free every holy land be it al-Quds or Al-Baqee and revive the pure Islam
By Allah, wait and see but wait not long for one day so near our dream will come to be
This cemetery before you will turn into a holy sanctuary!