
Kodak Moments

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Snapshot!A learned man, has come from afar, every word he speaks is a pearl. I must catch my camel, I can hardly wait to leave; And go share online!

Snapshot!A butterfly gently unfurls its wings…
The glory leaves you breathless, but only for a moment,
Package it, label it, post it online!

An innocent child, squinting in amazement at a crawling bug,
That’s so cute you gush, as you reach for your phone;
Upload and tag it, be right on time!

A drunkard man, being a fool; 
Such a waste of intellect and you shake your head.
Gently though,
So your video isn’t grainy,
MySpace and YouTube, all in real time!

A radiant bride has made her grand entrance,
Entranced by her beauty, everyone stands; 
Simultaneously reaching for their purses,
Before I send her a prayer,
The moment is mine!

A lush green forest, in the background a smoky blue mountain.
You want to exclaim,
But the moment is lost,
Ah well, I have it in bytes!

A learned man, has come from afar,
Every word he speaks is a pearl.
I must catch my camel,
I can hardly wait to leave;
And go share online!

At the sacred ground, I am brought to tears,
Am I really beholding the Ka’ba in my eyes?
Shush! I’ll call you after tawaaf!
Click! Hey I got a close up
…Allahumma Labbayk!

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