
World Powers Play Up Iran Threat

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ImageIt is an intrinsic right for every country in the world, whether it is Iran, Thailand, Ghana or Luxembourg, to enrich uranium for energy purposes

Iran has come under attack for its nuclear program

One may ask a science major in college what the most confusing class he has taken. The answer most times is organic chemistry. I must admit organic chemistry can be confusing, but what seems to be more confusing today is the way certain world powers are handling Iran's uranium enrichment process.

World leaders have called multiple times for the Islamic Republic of Iran to halt its uranium enrichment program. They have insisted that Iran's sole purpose in enriching uranium is to produce nuclear weapons. Sanctions have been placed on Iran for not halting its enrichment program, but Iran has yet to flinch. The Iranians have stated that their intentions are only to produce nuclear energy and not nuclear weapons. Although sanctions are continuing to be placed on Iran, the evidence is obvious that Iranian claims are correct.

Ten days before the United Nations imposed new sanctions on Iran in March, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported that Iran had put to rest its nuclear weapons program. If this is the case, why can't Iran enrich uranium for the advancement of its energy needs? To add to that, in 2007 the United States National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) reported that Iran had halted its nuclear weapon program in 2003 and remained halted through 2007.

It is an intrinsic right for every country in the world, whether it is Iran, Thailand, Ghana or Luxembourg, to enrich uranium for energy purposes. Why should countries be dependent on other countries for resources when they can produce it themselves?

In this whole ordeal, certain world leaders have exposed their hypocrisy through their own policies. Certain world leaders have stated multiple times that they don't want nuclear weapons in the hands of the Islamic Republic of Iran. If that is the case, why don't world leaders agree to disarm all nuclear weapons around the world? There is a policy with nuclear weapons that should be established throughout the world: either every country has nuclear weapons or no country has nuclear weapons.

At the forefront of the Iran issue is the United States. The irony is that the same administration trying to convince the American public that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons is the one which that told the American public that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. To add to that, intelligence agencies within the US contradict the claims of the current administration. This administration that is currently in office has a track record of lying to the American public, so is it plausible to believe their claims?

Under pressure from the US, the United Nations Security Council has imposed three rounds of sanctions on Iran, and it seems more sanctions are inevitable. Last month in Geneva, Iran met with representatives of the five members of the United Nations Security Council alongside Germany. During the meeting in Geneva, Iran was offered a proposal. Iran was asked to suspend its uranium enrichment program, and in return it would receive political and economical benefits.

The US gave Iran two weeks to reply to the offer, and Iran has yet to reply. It is a matter of time before the fourth round of sanctions is placed on Iran.

It seems that world leaders are trying to tell the world one thing, when the evidence points towards something else.

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