Love Story
Yahya Naqvi with some beautiful verses about the extraordinary tale of one boy’s love.
Let me tell you a love story unlike any you have heard
According to modern standards the tale seems absurd
It’s about a boy who held a girl in very high regard
Her modesty and shyness made him fall really hard
The story didn’t begin at prom or any other school dance
It took place after the first and only legal glance
He caught glimpse of the girl after his math class
But he lowered his gaze whenever she walked past
Everyone around him encouraged him to flirt
But he didn’t want to drag her reputation through the mud
It’s by short skirts and makeup that most boys get impressed
But the reason he fell for the girl was how modestly she dressed
He had the urge to talk to her, but all the urges he ignored
Instead he turned to prayer and asked help from his Lord
He thought of her voice and recalled the soft-spoken sound
How she was focused and mature unlike the other girls around
One day when going home he saw what he had most feared
And he couldn’t help the flow of a few tears onto his beard
He saw the girl with a boy, them walking hand in hand
And the sadness in his heart he felt he couldn’t understand
In his aching and dreary mood he drove to the mosque that day
He realized there was nothing he could do except to just pray
The Imam spoke about the marriage of Ali and the Prophet’s daughter
Then he ended his speech about how Hussain was denied water
The boy felt comfort in what he had heard
So, he dedicated his time to God and His immaculate words
From that day on it was the love of Allah he would seek
He grew into the man who would recite Dua Kumayl every week
One day his mother told of a girl to whom he should get married
He felt he was ready, because old feelings were long buried
To his astonishment it was the girl with whom he once fell in love
What a pleasant surprise he had received from above
When talking he asked who the guy was with her that he had seen
She told him her older brother took her trick-or-treating for Halloween
She told him how she noticed his humility whenever he walked by
She thought about him for years when she moved away that July
She said she liked him for the proper akhlaq that he observed
And how he treated her like a lady, with the respect a girl deserves
When she was listening to Du’a Kumayl one day she recognized the voice
Then she went to her father and told him of her choice
Her father said taking the proposal would make him very glad
Because he heard of the reputation the great reciter had
So, the boy and girl finally chose each other as their spouse
And this story ends with their nikah in God’s house