The ‘Master of Martyrs’
The Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), gave up everything he had in this world to preserve the true message of Islam. His immortal words, "away with disgrace! … Neither would God accept such a thing for us, nor would His messenger, nor would the believers," inspire millions to this day.
The Master of the Martyrs, Imam Hussain (peace be upon him), gave up everything he had in this world to preserve the true message of Islam. His immortal words, "away with disgrace! … Neither would God accept such a thing for us, nor would His messenger, nor would the believers," inspire millions to this day.
Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) was born in Medina, on the Islamic calendar date of 3 Shaban, 4 A.H. He was the third infallible Imam of Ahlul Bayt and lived through the trials and tribulations of every one of the People of the Cloak (peace be upon them all). About him, the prophet has said, "Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain. … Allah loves the one who loves Hussain!"
After the truce between Imam Hassan and the tyrant Muawiyah, the plan was that Imam Hussain would assume governance of the Muslims when Muawiyah died. But Muawiyah had other plans. When Imam Hassan was martyred, Muawiyah appointed his son Yazid as his successor.
Imam Hussain refused to pledge allegiance to the likes of Yazid, who was fond of wine and the company of corrupt lackeys. Yazid was completely careless of his religious duties. After Imam Hussain's position became clear, Yazid's orders were, "Kill Hussain, … Even if he is hanging on to the curtains of the Kabah!"
Imam Hussain left Meccah to save the city from bloodshed, heading towards Medina to make a final visit to his grandfather's grave. After that, he headed out towards Kufa whose citizens had promised him safe haven, along with his family and about 72 loyal companions. Soon enough, however, the people of Kufah took back their word and betrayed Imam Hussain. Because of the slow communications network of this time in history, he did not find out until he had traveled away from Medina.{mxc}
Yazid's army intercepted Imam Hussain's caravan near Karbala in what is today Iraq. Imam Hussain gave many speeches and pleaded to the opposing army to at least be free from the commands of a tyrant like Yazid. On 10 Muharram, the enormous army of Yazid slaughtered the loyal companions of Imam Hussain one by one until finally he was the only one left. Although he fought bravely with every last ounce of power in his body, the arrow and sword wounds overwhelmed Imam Hussain. The cursed Shimr, then sat on Imam Hussain's chest and chopped his head off. The year was 61 A.H, only a few decades after the prophet's death.
Imam Hussain is buried in Karbala, Iraq, His shrine is visited by millions every year. the everlasting struggle of Imam Hussain is remembered every day by followers of Ahlul Bayt around the world, as an eternal stand for justice and truth.